REEL COH Inc. Honored with the Concilivi Seal for Excellence in Work-Family Balance

A proud recipient of the Concilivi seal for work-life balance, REEL COH Inc. prioritizes the health, safety, and wellness of its employees. REEL COH offers a range of benefits that improve quality of work life and foster work-life balance, because the company’s greatest asset is its people.

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we are always on the lookout for new talents!
Reel hires all over the world

REEL COH Inc. Honored with the Concilivi Seal for Excellence in Work-Family Balance

REEL COH Inc. prioritizes the health, safety, and wellness of its employees

REEL wishes you a happy new year 2023

REEL wishes you a happy new year 2023!

REEL at the ARABAL conference

REEL will be present at the Arab International Aluminum Conference (ARABAL) as a bronze sponsor.

Aluminium Exhibition – Come and meet us!

REEL teams are waiting for you from 27th to 29th September 2022 at the 2022 Aluminium Exhibition in Düsseldorf.