
Nearly 50 years of success in complex lifting and handling systems adapted to each industry.

REEL COH has been supporting a huge range of heavy industry projects throughout North America since 1969.

REEL COH can meet all your needs for robust and reliable handling systems intended for harsh working environments.

Pulp and Paper

REEL COH can meet all your needs for robust and reliable handling systems intended for harsh working environments such as pulp and paper plants.

Whether dry or wet end overhead cranes, transfer cars, heavy capacity AGV’s, modernization projects or any other requirement of lifting and transfer equipment, we have the expertise and the necessary resources to provide a successful and on-time project result.

REEL COH has displayed, throughout many years, their solutions for automotive production.

Our handling systems and body and chassis assembly systems will provide you with accurate positioning, speed, performance, safety and economy.

Our equipment is tailored to your needs for high throughput while offering unmatched assembly precision.


Bulk Handling

REEL COH developed many handling systems for municipal and industrial waste, regarding the generation of thermal and electrical energy or for the production of biofuels. 

Our fully automated intelligent overhead crane increases your productivity and lowers your operating and maintenance costs.

REEL COH delivers new equipment and maintains existing equipment throughout North America.

Join a dynamic group!
we are always on the lookout for new talents!
Reel hires all over the world

REEL COH Inc. Honored with the Concilivi Seal for Excellence in Work-Family Balance

REEL COH Inc. prioritizes the health, safety, and wellness of its employees

REEL wishes you a happy new year 2023

REEL wishes you a happy new year 2023!

REEL at the ARABAL conference

REEL will be present at the Arab International Aluminum Conference (ARABAL) as a bronze sponsor.

Aluminium Exhibition – Come and meet us!

REEL teams are waiting for you from 27th to 29th September 2022 at the 2022 Aluminium Exhibition in Düsseldorf.